テニスに関する英単語 over100!例文あり(名詞、動詞、形容詞、熟語・表現)
まずは、テニスに関する英単語(名詞)を見ていきましょう! Let's learn nouns!
- racket
- 例文:I need to buy a new racket.
- 訳:ラケット
- ball
- 例文:The ball went out of bounds.
- 訳:ボール
- court
- 例文:We played tennis on the clay court.
- 訳:コート
- net
- 例文:The ball hit the net and went over.
- 訳:ネット
- serve
- 例文:His serve is very powerful.
- 訳:サーブ
- volley
- 例文:She hit a beautiful volley.
- 訳:ボレー
- smash
- 例文:He hit a powerful smash to win the point.
- 訳:スマッシュ
- forehand
- 例文:He has a strong forehand.
- 訳:フォアハンド
- backhand
- 例文:Her backhand is her weaker shot.
- 訳:バックハンド
- deuce
- 例文:The game is at deuce.
- 訳:デュース
- advantage
- 例文:He has the advantage in this game.
- 訳:アドバンテージ
- break point
- 例文:He saved three break points in that game.
- 訳:ブレークポイント
- game point
- 例文:She won the game on her second game point.
- 訳:ゲームポイント
- set point
- 例文:He saved two set points in that tiebreaker.
- 訳:セットポイント
- match point
- 例文:She won the match on her third match point.
- 訳:マッチポイント
- tiebreaker
- 例文:We played a tiebreaker to decide the set.
- 訳:タイブレーク
- doubles
- 例文:They played doubles together.
- 訳:ダブルス
- singles
- 例文:He prefers to play singles.
- 訳:シングルス
- match
- 例文:The match lasted three hours.
- 訳:試合
- tournament
- 例文:She won the tournament last year.
- 訳:トーナメント
- ranking
- 例文:He is ranked number one in the world.
- 訳:ランキング
- seed
- 例文:She is the number two seed in this tournament.
- 訳:シード
- draw
- 例文:They announced the draw for the tournament.
- 訳:ドロー
- warm-up
- 例文:We need to do a proper warm-up before playing.
- 訳:ウォームアップ
- foot fault
- 例文:He was called for a foot fault on his serve.
- 訳:フットフォルト
- let
- 例文:They replayed the point because of a let.
- 訳:レット
- fault
- 例文:He hit a fault on his second serve.
- 訳:フォルト
- ace
- 例文:He hit ten aces in the match.
- 訳:エース
- ad court
- 例文:He hit a winner down the ad court.
- 訳:アドコート
- deuce court
- 例文:She hit a backhand winner down the deuce court.
- 訳:デュースコート
- baseline
- 例文:He hit a shot that landed on the baseline.
- 訳:ベースライン
- rally
- 例文:They had a long rally before he finally won the point.
- 訳:ラリー
- service line
- 例文:The ball landed on the service line.
- 訳:サービスライン
- overhead
- 例文:She hit an overhead smash to win the point.
- 訳:オーバーヘッド
- drop shot
- 例文:She hit a perfect drop shot to win the point.
- 訳:ドロップショット
- lob
- 例文:He hit a lob over his opponent's head.
- 訳:ロブ
- spin
- 例文:She hit a shot with topspin.
- 訳:スピン
- slice
- 例文:He hit a slice backhand down the line.
- 訳:スライス
- approach shot
- 例文:He hit a perfect approach shot and won the point at the net.
- 訳:アプローチショット
- footwork
- 例文:He has great footwork on the court.
- 訳:フットワーク
- grip
- 例文:She uses a continental grip on her volleys.
- 訳:グリップ
つぎは、テニスに関する英単語(動詞)を見ていきましょう! Let's learn verbs!
- serve
- 例文:She served an ace to win the game.
- 訳:サーブする
- hit
- 例文:He hit a powerful forehand down the line.
- 訳:打つ
- volley
- 例文:He volleyed the ball into the open court.
- 訳:バレーする
- lob
- 例文:She lobbed the ball over her opponent's head.
- 訳:ロブする
- smash
- 例文:He smashed the ball into the net.
- 訳:スマッシュする
- slice
- 例文:She sliced the ball to keep it low.
- 訳:スライスする
- drop shot
- 例文:He surprised his opponent with a well-placed drop shot.
- 訳:ドロップショットを打つ
- return
- 例文:She returned the serve with a powerful backhand.
- 訳:リターンする
- rally
- 例文:They rallied for 20 strokes before he made an error.
- 訳:ラリーする
- win
- 例文:He won the match in straight sets.
- 訳:勝つ
- lose
- 例文:She lost the first set but won the next two.
- 訳:負ける
- break
- 例文:He broke his opponent's serve in the third game.
- 訳:ブレークする
- double fault
- 例文:He lost the game with a double fault.
- 訳:ダブルフォルトをする
- fault
- 例文:She faulted on her first serve.
- 訳:フォルトする
- net
- 例文:The ball hit the net and fell on his side.
- 訳:ネットに引っかかる
- cross-court
- 例文:He hit a forehand cross-court winner.
- 訳:クロスコートで打つ
- down the line
- 例文:She hit a backhand winner down the line.
- 訳:ライン際に打つ
- deuce
- 例文:The score was deuce at 40-40.
- 訳:デュース
- advantage
- 例文:She had a 40-30 advantage in the game.
- 訳:アドバンテージ
- let
- 例文:He served a let on his second serve.
- 訳:レットとする
- foot fault
- 例文:The umpire called a foot fault on his first serve.
- 訳:フットフォルトをする
- warm up
- 例文:They warmed up for 20 minutes before the match.
- 訳:ウォームアップする
- practice
- 例文:He practices his serve every day.
- 訳:練習する
- coach
- 例文:She coaches a junior tennis team.
- 訳:コーチする
- umpire
- 例文:He umpired the final match of the tournament.
- 訳:審判を務める
- challenge
- 例文:He challenged a call that was called in.
- 訳:チャレンジする
- warm down
- 例文:They warmed down with some stretching exercises.
- 訳:クールダウンする
- hit the ball
- 例文:He hit the ball with his racket.
- 訳:ボールを打つ
- approach
- 例文:He hit a great approach shot.
- 訳:アプローチショットを打つ
- pass
- 例文:She passed the ball down the line.
- 訳:パスする
- hit a winner
- 例文:She hit a winner down the line.
- 訳:ウィナーを打つ
- hit an error
- 例文:He hit too many unforced errors.
- 訳:エラーをする
- break serve
- 例文:He broke his opponent's serve in the first game.
- 訳:相手のサービスをブレークする
- hold serve
- 例文:She held serve to win the set.
- 訳:自分のサービスをキープする
- ace
- 例文:She served an ace to win the game.
- 訳:エースを取る
- call
- 例文:The linesman called the ball out.
- 訳:コールする
- match point
- 例文:He had a match point but couldn't finish it.
- 訳:マッチポイント
- spin
- 例文:He put a lot of spin on his serve.
- 訳:スピンをかける
- miss
- 例文:She missed an easy volley at the net.
- 訳:ミスする
- double hit
- 例文:He was called for a double hit on the return.
- 訳:ダブルヒットする
- let go
- 例文:He let go of the racket after hitting the ball.
- 訳:手放す
- hit the net
- 例文:The ball hit the net and bounced back.
- 訳:ネットに当たる
つぎは、テニスに関する英単語(形容詞)を見ていきましょう! Let's learn adjectives!
- fast
- 例文:She has a fast serve.
- 訳:速い
- slow
- 例文:His backhand is slow.
- 訳:遅い
- powerful
- 例文:He has a powerful forehand.
- 訳:強力な
- weak
- 例文:Her second serve is weak.
- 訳:弱い
- accurate
- 例文:His shots are very accurate.
- 訳:正確な
- inconsistent
- 例文:She's been playing inconsistently this season.
- 訳:不安定な
- aggressive
- 例文:He has an aggressive playing style.
- 訳:攻撃的な
- defensive
- 例文:Her defensive skills are impressive.
- 訳:守備的な
- skillful
- 例文:He's a very skillful player.
- 訳:技術的な
- experienced
- 例文:She's an experienced player.
- 訳:経験豊富な
- talented
- 例文:He's a very talented player.
- 訳:才能のある
- quick
- 例文:She has quick reflexes.
- 訳:速い
- slow-paced
- 例文:The match was slow-paced.
- 訳:スローペースの
- consistent
- 例文:His performance has been consistent.
- 訳:安定した
- weak-willed
- 例文:He's a weak-willed player.
- 訳:意志薄弱な
- steady
- 例文:She has a steady backhand.
- 訳:安定した
- technical
- 例文:He has a technical playing style.
- 訳:技術的な
- skilled
- 例文:She's a skilled player.
- 訳:熟練した
- inexperienced
- 例文:He's an inexperienced player.
- 訳:無経験の
- natural
- 例文:She has a natural talent for tennis.
- 訳:天性の
- unpredictable
- 例文:His shots are unpredictable.
- 訳:予測不能な
- versatile
- 例文:She's a versatile player who can play well on any surface.
- 訳:多才な
- dominant
- 例文:He's a dominant player in his region.
- 訳:支配的な
- patient
- 例文:She has a patient playing style.
- 訳:忍耐強い
- precise
- 例文:His shots are very precise.
- 訳:正確な
- tactical
- 例文:He has a tactical playing style.
- 訳:戦術的な
さいごに、テニスに関する英単語(熟語・表現)を見ていきましょう! Let's learn idioms!
- break point
- 例文:She saved three break points in the game.
- 訳:ブレークポイント
- game point
- 例文:He won the match on game point.
- 訳:ゲームポイント
- set point
- 例文:She had set point, but couldn't convert.
- 訳:セットポイント
- match point
- 例文:He saved three match points to come back and win.
- 訳:マッチポイント
- drop shot
- 例文:She surprised her opponent with a perfect drop shot.
- 訳:ドロップショット
- backhand stroke
- 例文:His backhand stroke is his strongest shot.
- 訳:バックハンドストローク
- forehand stroke
- 例文:She has a powerful forehand stroke.
- 訳:フォアハンドストローク
- serve and volley
- 例文:He likes to play serve and volley on grass.
- 訳:サーブ&ボレー
- baseline game
- 例文:She played a solid baseline game to win the match.
- 訳:ベースラインゲーム
- net play
- 例文:His net play is very strong.
- 訳:ネットプレー
- double fault
- 例文:He lost the game because of a double fault.
- 訳:ダブルフォルト
- match tiebreak
- 例文:They had to play a match tiebreak to decide the winner.
- 訳:マッチタイブレーク
- game plan
- 例文:She had a solid game plan going into the match.
- 訳:ゲームプラン
- advantage point
- 例文:He won the game on advantage point.
- 訳:アドバンテージポイント
- break serve
- 例文:She was able to break her opponent's serve twice in the match.
- 訳:ブレークサーブ
- let cord
- 例文:The ball hit the let cord and went over the net.
- 訳:レットコード
- foot fault
- 例文:He lost the point because of a foot fault.
- 訳:フットフォルト
- break back
- 例文:She was able to break back and tie the set.
- 訳:ブレークバック
- service break
- 例文:He was able to get a service break early in the set.
- 訳:サービスブレーク
- love game
- 例文:She won the game without dropping a point, it was a love game.
- 訳:ラブゲーム
Tennis is a popular sport played all over the world. The game involves hitting a small, furry ball called a tennis ball back and forth over a net that separates two players on opposite sides of a court. The court is divided into two halves by a center line, and each half is further divided into a service box, a baseline, and a net.
To play tennis, you need a tennis racket, which is a long-handled piece of equipment with a flat surface on one end. The racket is used to hit the ball, and players can use different techniques to control the ball’s direction, speed, and spin. The most common shots in tennis are the forehand, backhand, serve, and volley.
Tennis is a physically demanding sport that requires a lot of skill and endurance. Players must be able to move quickly, change direction, and react to their opponent’s shots. They must also be able to serve the ball accurately and with power, and to return their opponent’s shots with precision and control.
In addition to the physical skills required to play tennis, players must also have a strong mental game. Tennis is a highly competitive sport, and players must be able to stay focused and composed under pressure. They must also be able to read their opponent’s shots and anticipate their next move.
Professional tennis players compete in a series of tournaments throughout the year, including the four Grand Slam events: the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open. These tournaments attract the best players from around the world and offer huge prize money to the winners.
In conclusion, tennis is a fascinating and challenging sport that requires a combination of physical and mental skills. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s always something new to learn and improve upon in the game of tennis.
例文あり(名詞、動詞、熟語・表現)ENGLISH BALLOONでは、英単語に関するさまざまな情報を発信しています。
※テスト形式でも楽しめるように、訳は例文の右下に配置しています。また、例文の日本語訳は “あえて載せていません"。脳内で日本語変換して英語を英語のまま受け入れる妨げになってしまうので。だいたい理解できればOK😉
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